The Province has been Hiding Full Contract From Taxpayers for Eight Years; Going Back to Court in March to Keep Contract Under Wraps
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) today revealed that the provincial government has spent $124,522.48 so far in its eight-year-long fight against releasing the IBM workplace service contract to the BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association (FIPA).
The CTF used the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act to obtain the total legal bill paid by the Ministry of the Attorney General to keep the $300 million workplace services agreement with IBM secret. The $124,522.48 does not include government staff time, nor does it include costs forced on the Information Commissioner for legal bills and case review. Those dollars could double the figure and the government’s latest appeal will require two more days in court, scheduled for March.
For the full release click here.
For news coverage click here or here.
The government’s response to the CTF’s FOI request can be found here.
For Information Commissioner’s news release about the order to release the IBM Workplace Services Contract click here.
A redacted copy of the IBM contract can be found here.
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