BC FIPA has published its analysis of the BC Government’s performance in responsding to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests from 2006 to 2008.
The report, titled “Failing FOI: How the BC Government flouts the Freedom of Information Act and stonewalls FOI requests”, reveals that the “administrative system that is supposed to support [FOI] is badly broken.”
Results indicate that response times for FOI requests are typically well in excess of legal timelines; that the [Corporate Requests Tracking System (CRTS)], in spite of claims to the contrary, is still being used to single out particular user groups and treat them differently based on the real or imagined political sensitivity of their requests; and that these distinctions generally lead to longer response times and otherwise affect the outcomes of requests.
The results of this study should be of great concern to anyone concerned about the health of democracy in this province. Accountability of government to its people is only possible if the people have information on which to judge that government’s actions. The record of this government is a pattern of delay, denial, and damage control.