In the summer of 2004, ID theft was a hot issue. Since then, it has exploded.
There has been a flurry of activity in Canada and the United States, as regulators and companies alike struggle to keep up with the rapid growth in this white collar crime. Consequently, while the research has progressed, it has been a constant struggle to keep up with the fast-breaking news events and the subsequent policy and legislative responses of governments. We have focused on providing advice and analysis on how to protect the rights of the individual, through the use of existing law, policy, standards, and management practices.
Accuracy of InformationBC FIPA ReportsBeth GivensChoicePointData LeaksDatabase BreachesDebit and Credit Card FraudDumpster DivingEducationIdentity Policy FrameworkIdentity TheftIndividual's Right of AccessIndividual's Right to Challenge ComplianceInformation SecurityIT SecurityLimited Use; Disclosure; and RetentionLimiting CollectionMandatory Breach NotificationMisplaced LiabilityPersonal Information Protection and Electronic Documents ActPharmingPhishingPhonebustersPhysical Thefts of Computers or Electronic MediaPIN TheftPIPEDA (Fed)position papers and reportsPrinciple of Informed ConsentPrivacy Rights Clearing HouseProsecution of Identity ThievesPurpose of CollectionRisk of Identity TheftSocial Insurance Number (SIN)Solove’s and Hoofnagle’s Model Privacy RegimeSpywareStephanie PerrinTheft of ID Cards and CredentialsTransborder Data Flow