BC FIPA endorses most of the recommendations for reform of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPP Act) presented in the two reports Enhancing the Province’s Public Sector Access and Privacy Law (Special Committee to Review the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2004) and Privacy and the USA Patriot Act (the report of the Information and Privacy Commissioner on the privacy implications of public sector outsourcing).
BC FIPA was asked to present its shortlist of priorities for reform of the FOIPP Act. While BC FIPA urges the government to take a comprehensive approach to updating and reforming the Act, including full consideration of the reports mentioned above and our own submissions, here are BC FIPA’s top priorities.
BC FIPA ProposalsDuty to Create and Maintain RecordsFee WaiverFIPPA (BC)Law Reformopen and ready public accesspolicy submissions and and lettersPublic Interest DisclosureReform of FIPPA (BC)s. 12 of FIPPA (BC)s. 13 of FIPPA (BC)s. 14 of FIPPA (BC)s. 15 of FIPPA (BC)s. 21 of FIPPA (BC)s. 25 of FIPPA (BC)Scope of FIPPA (BC)Time Limit for Appeals to the OIPC (BC)