The Ministry of Labour and Citizens’ Services sought judicial review of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of BC (IPC) decision (F08-07) regarding the impact of third party review as part of the ongoing dispute over disclosure of the contract between the Ministry and IBM for computer services. Today, the BC Supreme Court confirmed that the IPC’s previous decision was reasonable and correct and dismissed the Ministry’s application with costs.
The decision confirms that the review requested by the third party (IBM) does not preclude the Ministry from responding to other parts of the request. There is no need to wait for the 3rd party review to be completed if there is information within the scope of the request that is not the subject of the review.
BC FIPA was the original applicant in the FOI request for the disclosure of the IBM contract with the Ministry.
Download the BCSC decision (pdf).
10 Dec 2009
Docket 11-0108
British Columbia (Labour and Citizens’
Services) v. British Columbia (Information
and Privacy Commissioner),
2009 BCSC 1700 (CanLII)