BC’s Information and Privacy Commissioner, David Loukidelis, has been appointed for a second six-year term. Members of a Special Committee of the Legislature unanimously recommended that the House reappoint Loukidelis.
“During his tenure as Commissioner, David Loukidelis has earned a well-deserved reputation as an effective advocate for the access to information and privacy rights of British Columbians,” said Committee Chair, John Rustad, MLA. We are pleased to recommend that his balanced oversight continue for another six years.”
In its deliberations, members of the Committee considered it appropriate to interview Mr. Loukidelis before deciding whether or not to undertake an open competition. As a result of their interview and their assessment of the Commissioner’s performance during his first term, it was clear to the Committee that a further search was unlikely to result in a more accomplished applicant.
David Loukidelis was a founding member of the BC Freedom of Information & Privacy Association (FIPA) and was its President for several years.
A September 2005 amendment to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act removed a provision limiting a Commissioner to serving only one six-year term. The amendment brought the Act into line with the statutes governing the other statutory officers in British Columbia, as well as those governing Information and Privacy Commissioners in other jurisdictions.