This is an interesting and important time in the information and privacy landscapes. With the push for more open information and transparency comes rising concerns of privacy, especially in the face of an ever-increasing connected and interconnected world. Join us for our 8th BC Information Summit on September 27, 2018 at UBC Robson Square as we explore the how changing perceptions of the right to know versus the right to one’s privacy are being shaped.
As technological innovation continues to evolve and connect our world, it is time for our information and privacy frameworks to catch up. Commissioners and committees are calling for change to the systems. In terms of the BC freedom of information system, there is the potential for change on the horizon as we await the results from the provincial public consultation. Federally, there is still a lot of work to be done. This conference has assembled a range of experts from varying backgrounds to look at these developments and what they might mean for information and privacy rights.
Sean Holman, Associate Professor, Journalism, Mount Royal University
Michael McEvoy, Commissioner, Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of BC
Visit the Information Summit website for more details!