During this year’s Right to Know Week, FIPA sent a joint letter to Premiere John Horgan and Minister Jinny Sims calling for immediate action to reform and update BC’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).
Citing various studies, including a report issued by the Special Legislative Committee, FIPA asked for the creation of a ‘duty to document,’ tightening of exceptions to disclose through sections 12 and 13, bringing subsidiaries of public bodies under the scope of FIPPA, and creating penalties for those who interfere freedom of information rights.
The open letter was co-signed by the BC Civil Liberties Association, the Canadian Institute for Information and Privacy Studies, the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic, EcoJustice, News Media Canada, Wilderness Committee, the Centre for Law and Democracy, the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs, Open Media, and independent journalists and privacy experts.
You can read the full letter here.