The federal Conservatives made an iron-clad election promise to bring more openness to government. However, in a move that flouts this promise, the federal government is moving to curtail the independence of the Information Commissioner’s office.
Outgoing Information Commissioner John Reid complained yesterday that the government is seeking to rein in the office by skewing the appointment process to install a tame bureaucrat in the position. If successful, the next information commissioner’s first loyalty will be to the Clerk of the Privy Council, not the public, Mr. Reid argued in a swan song speech to the National Press Club.
FIPA executive director Darrell Evans has expressed shock and surprise at the job posting process, which he concludes is being manipulated to control and limit the kinds of applicants the government receives.
Information commissioner raises alarm about job ad, description (Canadian Press)
Ottawa accused of trying to tame watchdog (Globe and Mail)
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