BC FIPA has compiled a table of the recommendations of the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of British Columbia (OIPC) regarding amendments to the BCFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and their level of implementation by the government. Very few of the recommendations have been implemented.
Amendments to FIPPA (BC)Anti-terrorism ActAudit of Data Mining ActivitiesAudits of Information Sharing AgreementsBC FIPA ReportsFederal Protection of Personal Information from Foreign OrdersImplementation of RecommendationsNotification of Unauthorized DisclosureOIPC (BC) RecommendationsOutsourcing contractsposition papers and reportsProtection of Information from FISA ordersProvincial Litigation PolicyResponsibility of Contractors. 69 of FIPPA (BC)Trade AgreementsTransfer of Information AbroadTransnational Data ProtectionUSA Patriot Act