BC FIPA has weighed in on the side of privacy in the debate over the implementation of the American Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) in this country. In our submission to a consultation by the federal Ministry of Finance on the deal signed last month between Canada and the US, we highlighted the damage […]
Read MoreInternal e mails FIPA received through freedom of information show that bureaucrats at the BC regulator of financial institutions (FICOM) have privacy concerns regarding the implementation of the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) in Canada. Download document
Read MoreBC FIPA has published its analysis of the BC Government’s performance in responsding to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests from 2006 to 2008. The report, titled “Failing FOI: How the BC Government flouts the Freedom of Information Act and stonewalls FOI requests”, reveals that the “administrative system that is supposed to support [FOI] is badly […]
Read MoreBC FIPA has released a study on the BC Government’s response to freedom of information (FOI) requests over the past five years. The study titled “Access Denied” reveals many shortcomings in the administration of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act (FIPPA). Results indicate that response times for information requests are often in excess […]
Read MoreIn their 2001 “New Era” platform, the BC Liberals promised to bring in “the most open, accountable and democratic government in Canada.” Research by FIPA shows that the Liberal government has done much more to erode open government during their four years in office than they have done to enhance it. In fact, they have […]
Read MoreWe have put together model letters to help citizens access and correct the personal information held by the Federal and BC governments. Personal Information: Request for Personal Information from BC Gov’t Request for Personal Information from Federal Gov’t Corrections: Request for Correction of Personal Information Held by BC Gov’t Request for Correction of […]
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