Canada’s federal government should take all steps necessary to ensure he standards and values behind Canadian privacy laws are not diminished as programs to fulfill the Canada-US perimeter security action plan aredeveloped, say Canada’s privacy guardians.
Recommendations made by the federal Privacy Commissioner in a
June 2011 submission to government are not addressed in the Perimeter Security Action Plan nor have the governments specifically addressed privacy concerns related to this initiative.
On April 2, 2012, Canada’s federal and provincial Privacy Commissioners issued a joint resolution which includes the following recommendations:
• Any initiatives under the plan that collect personal information should also include appropriate redress and remedy mechanisms to review files for accuracy, correct inaccuracies and restrict disclosures to other countries;
• Parliament, provincial Privacy Commissioners and civil society should be engaged as initiatives under the plan take shape;
• Information about Canadians should be stored on Canadian soil whenever feasible or at least be subject to Canadian protection; and
• Any use of new surveillance technologies within Canada such as unmanned aerial vehicles must be subject to appropriate controls set out in a proper regulatory framework.
Click Here for the full joint resolution.