

Syrian rebels free prisoners from Assad’s notorious dungeons who celebrate in Damascus streets

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — Bashar Barhoum woke in his dungeon prison cell in Damascus at dawn Sunday, thinking it would be the last day of his life. The 63-year-old writer was supposed to have been executed after being imprisoned for seven months. But he soon realized the men at the door weren’t from former Syrian […]

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Military whistleblower sues Ottawa after reporting alleged Afghan civilian killings

A former sergeant with the Canadian Armed Forces is suing the federal government for nearly $3 million, alleging unfair treatment after he reported the killing and targeting of civilians during the war in Afghanistan. Claude Lepage spent 22 years in the Canadian Armed Forces, including as a member of a special unit known as Joint […]

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FIPA Presents Submission on Open Government to House of Commons ETHI Committee

BC FIPA presented its submission on ‘Open Government’ to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics (ETHI). We have to ensure that overdue moves toward more routine release and the use of technology to make government information more widely available must also make this information useable for all Canadians. […]

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BC FIPA Submission on the Anti-terrorism Act to the House of Commons

BC FIPA has presented its submisson on the Anti-terrorism Act to the House of Commons Subcommittee on Public Safety and National Security. The submission, titled “Canada’s Anti-terrorism Act: an unjustified limitation of freedom of information and privacy rights” lays out BC FIPA’s position on the Anti-terrorism Act (ATA) and how it threatens freedom of information […]

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