Be sure to attend this virtual gathering to learn about the recently-passed legislation that will replace one of Alberta’s access to information and privacy laws.
Commissioner Diane McLeod, Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta, will present on the expected impacts from the legislative changes, once in force. This will be followed by a panel discussion facilitated by FIPA President Mike Larsen, with Lorne Randa of Brownlee LLP and Samantha Delechantos from Fasken LLP with subsequent questions and answers.
The session will focus on the impacts to public bodies and citizen rights in privacy and access to information given new legislation in the province, changes to the OIPC responsibilities, and the road ahead. There’s lots of background information in the links below.
FIPA wishes to thank our funders at the Law Foundation of British Columbia, Kwantlen Polytechnic University for the technical support and the Canadian Bar Association whose branches with privacy and access sections help make sense in the sector.
For legal and privacy professionals, this presentation and facilitated question and answer session presents an unique opportunity to engage on a topical subject with a leader in the field while undertaking professional development. Portions of this event will be recorded for later redistribution through our Youtube channel.
Alberta OIPC
Prior FIPA Commentaries