Reasons for refusal depend on the information you are requesting and from whom. If an information holder refuses your request partially or fully, the information holder must explain the refusal to you.
List of some reasons a request could be refused:
If your request was refused, you can request a review or file a complaint through the appropriate overseeing body. For more information about refusals, reviews, or complaints, please visit the appropriate “After You File” section on our personal information resource, general information resource, or complaint and review mechanism resource.
Updated 2024.07. 27
These pages were last updated and reviewed in the summer of 2024.
The information on these pages only contains general information and guidance; none of the information constitutes legal advice. If you have a specific issue that you believe is a legal problem, the best practice is to consult a lawyer.
The information is non-partisan, dynamic and ever changing. It is the result of FIPA’s research and public education programs.
If you note something that needs to be added, corrected, or removed, please contact us by email: fipa AT