There’s a lot going on that impacts access to information and privacy. Our law reform efforts are built upon the foundation of our research, education and assistance work in these areas. To keep us current, accurate, and relevant we’ve developed a repeatable system of legal reviews and annual content updates.
Last fall we relaunched our Your Health Information web resource. At the same time, we were undertaking our first comprehensive review and update to our Get Help web resource in close to a decade. The results are online now. With new contracts in place, we aim to have this content reviewed and updated annually to ensure you know when and what is captured. If you note something that needs to be added, corrected, or removed, please contact us by email: fipa AT
Many people who approach FIPA for assistance and education are seeking to exercise their information and privacy rights for the first time. Our Get Help resources address common issues and questions and connect users to key resources. We hope that you will help us to get the word out about these important resources.
A big FIPA thank you to Jay Artley and Noah Escandor our 2022 UVic Law Co-op Legal Researchers for helping get this through the rewrite as well as Ranee Parker as Editor. We look forward to working with Kevin Smith at Farris LLP as this content goes through its first full legal review and update for 2023.
Rights to your personal information
Complaint and review mechanisms
Definitions and FAQs