The mayor, one councillor and the town chief administrative officer will be attending an annual emerging trends in municipal law seminar.
Mayor Brad Schlossberger, Coun. Kandice Meister, Abe Tinney, the town’s chief administrative officer, will attend the one-day seminar presented by Brownlee LLP Barristers and Solicitors, on Feb. 6 in Calgary.
The law firm describes the seminar as an exclusive opportunity curated for its elected and administrative municipal clients to learn about current legal matters that are relevant to communities across Alberta.
Topics include:
• A Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act update; and proposed legislative changes to access to information and privacy obligations for public bodies;
• Ninety new schools by 2031: joint-use and planning agreement preparation and review;
• Municipal procurement and tendering obligations;
• Managing municipal lands: a strategic approach;
• The importance of hire letters and termination clauses in hiring practices.
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