Public Body Contact Information
The Provincial Agricultural Land Commission was listed as an independent public body at the start of 2024 under British Columbia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Information Management Act. They would be considered part of the broader public sector within these laws.
FIPA submitted focused FOI requests to determine how this public body was interpreting and applying freedom of information and information management laws.
They responded with the following linked documents.
As of January 2025, based on the documents released, we considered the following:
Is the organization likely meeting the expectations of British Columbia residents for a public body as identified in polling conducted by IPSOS?
accountability and governance
The documents indicated that:
- They comply with and implement laws passed by the legislative assembly.
- They act on the recommendations that they receive from independent oversight bodies like the Ombudsperson, Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner, Representative for Children and Youth, and Auditor General.
- They create and maintain full and accurate records necessary for the efficient and effective administration of activities.
- That they exercise their discretion in releasing information considering the public interest in disclosure.
The documents indicated that:
- They maintain accurate and complete records of their activities.
- They are able to readily find and retrieve records.
- They align records management systems to international standards.
- They have an organization-specific set of policies and procedures about records management and open government.
- They maintain and regularly review organization-specific file classification plans that are used to organize records.
The documents indicated that:
- They identify and regularly review types of documents and data that can be released without request.
- They respond to freedom of information requests within the 30-business day statutory timelines unless a specific, articulable, and legitimate reason can be given to extend the timeline otherwise.
- They respect that fees are a barrier to access and do not charge the optional $10 application fee.
- They ensure the use of fees is principled and restricted to evidence-based calculations for processing large and complex requests, rather than on arbitrary estimates.
- They ensure that when fees are used, the applicant is paying for a large and complex request rather than poor records management on the part of the public body.
Our Observations:
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This is a part of FIPA’s ongoing monitoring and research of freedom of information in BC. These records will also be used in the analysis and publication of a more in depth study. Learn more about that work here.
Other public bodies in British Columbia receiving similar requests.
Core Government
- 2024 BC Core Government Requests
- Ministry of Agriculture and Food
- Ministry of Attorney General
- Ministry of Children and Family Development
- Ministry of Citizens’ Services
- Ministry of Education and Child Care
- Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness
- Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation
- Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Forests
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Housing
- Ministry of Indigenous Relations & Reconciliation
- Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation
- Ministry of Labour
- Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs
- Ministry of Office of the Premier
- Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills
- Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
- Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction
- Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport
- Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
- Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship
Broader Public Sector
- 2024 BC Broader Public Sector Requests
- Provincial Agricultural Land Commission
- Board of Examiners (Local Government Act)
- British Columbia Arts Council
- British Columbia Emergency Health Services Authority
- British Columbia Housing Management Commission
- Innovate BC
- British Columbia Lottery Corporation
- British Columbia Pavilion Corporation
- British Columbia Securities Commission
- British Columbia Transit Corporation
- British Columbia Transportation Financing Authority
- Building Code Appeal Board
- Columbia Power Corporation
- Community Care and Assisted Living Appeal Board
- Community Living British Columbia
- Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
- Destination British Columbia
- Environmental Appeal Board
- British Columbia Financial Services Authority
- Financial Services Tribunal
- First Peoples’ Heritage, Language and Culture Council
- Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission
- Forest Appeals Commission
- Forest Practices Board
- Health Professions Review Board
- Hospital Appeal Board
- Independent Investigations Office
- Justice Institute of British Columbia
- Knowledge Network Corporation
- Medical Services Commission
- Oil and Gas Appeal Tribunal (Energy Resource Appeal Tribunal)
- Oil and Gas Commission
- Patient Care and Quality Review Board (Vancouver Coastal)
- Patient Care and Quality Review Board (Fraser Valley)
- Patient Care and Quality Review Board (Island)
- Patient Care and Quality Review Board (Northern)
- Patient Care and Quality Review Board (Interior)
- Patient Care and Quality Review Board (PHSA)
- Provincial Health Services Authority
- Royal British Columbia Museum
- Skilled Trades BC Appeal Board
- Transportation Investment Corporation