Charts that outline where freedom of information personnel and information management personnel exist within an organization.
Organizational charts help identify who is responsible for fulfilling certain obligations.
Charts that outline who has certain powers under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Delegation of authority charts are standard instruments across the implementation of any law with delegable and discretionary powers.
Freedom of information policies.
Policies are the core of implementing any new public initiative.
Internal reports about freedom of information.
How public bodies monitor their performance matters.
Charts that outline who has certain powers under the Information Management Act.
Delegation of authority charts are standard instruments across the implementation of any law with delegable and discretionary powers.
Memos about freedom of information and records/information management.
Internal communications can structure organizational activity.
Metadata schemas for records management systems.
Metadata is an essential part of establishing control over records.
Lists of offices responsible for certain organizational records.
Lists like this are often a reflection of the classification logics used to manage records.
User manuals for records management software.
Manuals contribute to how staff interact with technology.
Lists of regularly created files.
File lists are a prerequisite to an up-to-date file classification plan.
Training materials for freedom of information and records management.
Training is necessary for the successful implementation of FOIPPA and IMA.
Self-assessments conducted according to an internal government standard.
Part of the Chief Records Officer’s mandate is to evaluate records management.
Records management policies.
Policies are the core of implementing any new public initiative.
A type of information management plan required by core government policy.
Information resource plans are a key reporting and planning mechanism under core government policy.
Contracts for recordkeeping systems.
Contracts detail roles and responsibilities with respect to system implementation and maintenance.
Acceptable use of technology policies.
AUPs govern how employees may appropriately interact with technology over the course of their job.
Job descriptions for records management and freedom of information staff.
Job descriptions articulate the necessary skills and anticipated responsibilities of people charged with doing FOI or RM work.
Duty to document policies.
The Chief Records Officer has developed directives instructing public bodies to develop organization-specific policies for documenting government decisions.
Policies concerning offences to willfully evade FOI requests.
The offence was created to deter bad practices frustrating the public’s right to know.
Requests for proposals for freedom of information and records management projects.
RFPs document a public body’s needs in order to identify the solutions they are seeking proposals to address.
Requests for proposals for freedom of information and records management projects.
RFPs document a public body’s needs in order to identify the solutions they are seeking proposals to address.
Contracts and statements of work for consultants’ work related to freedom of information and records management.
Contracts and statements of work define the boundaries of what work the public body performs and what work it relies on others’ to perform.
Controlled vocabularies for records management.
Controlled vocabularies are a prerequisite to applying metadata.
Workflow materials for freedom of information processing
Records concerning the appointment of employees responsible for promoting freedom of information and records mangement.
Internal promotion of FOI and RM contributes to effective implementation.
Case management software helps public bodies keep track of requests and organize their responses
Procedures for managing request workflows
Manuals given to employees when they first enter an organization.
Onboarding employees should include both awareness of FOI and RM.
Reports produced to prepare to implement duty to document.
These reports established the baseline position from which duty to document was purportedly implemented.
Core Government
Broader Public Sector